Designed for your team and the people they meet along the way.
The concept explorations on this page are the result of creating assets for the homework assignment then developing those ideas further. My approach to design is holistic from a total brand perspective. After performing research to gain understanding, I used key messaging to develop ideas. I want to share these as an extension of the assignment because they show design thinking and potential to develop brand language. They are the beginning of new ideas that with strategic implementation could spread across touchpoints.

This page was developed as a digital sketchpad to gain and show understanding of existing brand materials and put forth design concepts utilizing brand language. The goal was to show the ability to quickly execute design concepts with applicable skills: art direction, graphic design, motion graphics, web design and CSS.
Design concepts that breathe life into brand, sales and marketing materials.
Swipe the video or click the bars beneath for more examples.
Design for memorable experience is my passion.
My background as an in-house creative director and independent design consultant has provided the opportunity to learn many design disciplines and execute integrated visual solutions across channels. These experiences required and produced a versatile designer adept at visual problem solving.
It is with pleasure that I share these ideas with RainFocus.
1300 brand messaging icons curated to 12.
To quickly develop appropriate visual language I assessed dozens of icon libraries. My criteria was visual quality, brand appropriateness and extent of messaging. Stroke width and color treatments were applied with consistency. Further potential includes animation, customization, or brand language could be designed from the ground up.